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Justo Lamas - New Tour

Dear Spanish Teacher,

Spice up your class with a Justo Lamas Concert!
This is the time to book a date for the school year 2008-09. Dates will fill up quickly, reply this email or log on to if you want to book a date that is convenient for your schedule and to receive a free DVD and a CD.

Your information:

Full name:
Email address:
Phone number:

School Details:

School name:
Auditorium capacity:
City, State, Zip:

Pick a date between October 2008 and May 2009:


Host a Justo Lamas Concert and you could win a trip to Argentina!

Be dazzled by Argentina's capital city, the vibrant idiosyncratic Buenos Aires, a city synonymous with sophistication and European-style, and where the heart beats to the rhythm of tango and soccer. Lazing around in the subtropical parks and gardens and mixing with the local Portenos you're unlikely to ever want to leave. Learn the culture and traditions of Justo Lamas' country of origin.

Go to for more infomation.

Tour datesReserve your ticketsLyrics and ActivitiesShop online
Phone: (214)912-1483