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Justo Lamas - New Tour

Dear Spanish Teacher,

Spice up your class with a Justo Lamas Concert!
This is the time to book a date for the school year 2008-09. Dates are filling up quickly, reply this email or log on to if you want to book a date that is convenient for your schedule and to receive a free DVD and a CD.

Your information:

Full name:
Email address:
Phone number:

School Details:

School name:
Auditorium capacity:
City, State, Zip:

Pick a date between October 2008 and May 2009:


This was absolutely THE BEST field trip I have ever taken a class on! Deonne G. - MI


"This was great! Best field trip in 29 years!! Very educational. Invite a student from each school on stage as often as possible. Only 2 of mine went up and they were all eager to participate. I was not as eager to go up! Justo was outstanding- very sincere and personable. This trip was worth every penny and the items for sale were most affordable to students. Bravo!!!"

Linda C. - Bloomsburg, PA

"My students loved the concert and want to go back next year. The personal testimony by Justo about his life was effective and inspirational. Bringing the kids on stage and doing small contests is a great idea - that keeps the kids interested and involved. Thank you, thank you for a great concert. We appreciated Justo's kindness and genuine interest in the kids. The music is great fun to learn and practice with before the concert. Thanks, also, for the activities you provided. These were very helpful:)"

Karen B. - Zionsville, IN

Go to for more testimonials.

Tour datesReserve your ticketsLyrics and ActivitiesShop online
Phone: (214)912-1483