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Justo Lamas - New Tour
Argentina trip winner - Ganador del viaje a Argentina

Justo Lamas announces the Spanish teacher winner of an airline ticket to Argentina. To enter the contest the Spanish Teacher had to host a concert during 2008-09 and fill out the auditorium to 95% or more of its capacity. Teachers that didn't win will have a chance by hosting a concert for "Comprometido" Tour.

Justo Lamas anuncia el maestro de Espanol ganador del pasaje de avión a Argentina. Para participar del sorteo el maestros tuvo que organizar un concierto durante el ano 2008-09 y llenar el auditorio al 95% o mas de su capacidad. Los maestros que no ganaron, tendrán otra posibilidad al organizar un concierto en el próximo Tour "Comprometido".

Justo Lamas Video
Host a concert and win a trip to Argentina

The winner is / El ganador es:

Inna Klein
Steele Middle School
Muskegon, MI

Congratulations! / Felicitationes!

Tour datesReserve your ticketsLyrics and ActivitiesShop online
Phone: (214)912-1483