Friday, March 14, 2025
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If you can not host a concert in your school and want to attend to a concert hosted by other school, this is a great opportunity for a field trip that your students will never forget.

Please read the following instructions:

BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE... If you do not have the free concert CD and DVD, be sure to request them immediately! Be sure to include your complete mailing address.

If you are interested in attend a Justo Lamas Concert with your students you need to make an online reservation in our web site.

After you made an online reservation we’ll send you a free CD automatically, but not the DVD because so many people already have it.

When communicating with us for any reason, please include the LOCATION of the concert and your school name. For example, PLEASE do not write us a note like this: “Can I add five students?” We have no idea which concert this is referring to, so we must search through the concert lists for that teacher’s name.

We have two articles to help you convince your administrators of the educational and cultural value of the concert. Print them if necessary.

If you decide to attend, please fill out the Reservation Form

If you are not certain of the number of students, mark it with a question mark or give a range of numbers. For example: 50-60 students.

Do not bother to print it out and mail it!

We can hold these tentative reservations until we reach “sell-out status.”

We need ALL of the information.

The home phone is necessary in case of emergency cancellation.

The cell phone is necessary in case you are late to the concert and we need to know your estimated time of arrival (if you do not have a cell phone, please try to get the number of another adult who will be on the bus and indicate the name of the person. If you do NOT give us a cell phone number, we will start the show on time).

To save time, Justo Lamas Concerts provides this “generic” invoice form. If you have a PO number, just add it to the form before you print it out and turn it in to the business office. If you don’t need one, just leave it off.

When you make a reservation in our web site you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail with your invoice attached. In case that you change the number of students and need a new invoice you can print the “generic” invoice form that Justo Lamas Concerts provides at This eliminates our having to mail one.

If you have a PO number, just add it to the form before you print it out and turn it in to the business office. If you don’t need one, just leave it off. Before you print out the form, fill in the information, or print it out and fill in the information by hand, either way is fine. Make two copies and turn them in to the school business office to request your check. Tell them to send one copy with the check to United Cultures, Inc. at the address indicated on the form.

There is no need to send this form unless it is with the check! But we need the form because sometimes the check is from another entity. For example: Xyz School District pays for Abc Middle School. We have to search for the information to see for whom this check is paying.

The host school has priority seating; then seats are assigned in the order the payments are received.

If you have a PO number and just want us to know about it, you may e-mail it. Do not bother mailing or faxing this form it is a waste of time.

Bring this Program to Your School in 3 easy steps

  •   Requirements:
    An auditorium-theater-gymnasium, The Principal's approval, Select a date and time.

Before the Concert

  • JLG Concerts will send CDs and DVDs along with a flyer promoting the concert to all schools in the area. (The concert may also be for one school only).
  • JLG Concerts charges a very accessible fee for each student. There are no other expenses for the host school.
  • JLG Concerts does all the work, promoting the concert, taking reservations and collecting the schools' payments.
  • We provide the opportunity for the host school to raise funds with the concert. Upon request.
  • We offer scholarships to those students who can not pay.
  • We present our program during school hours.

Concert Preparation

  • JLG Concerts provides a CD and a DVD with the songs of the concert, activities, Karaoke Online and other free resources so that teachers may prepare their students.
  • The students of the host school have the opportunity to choreograph a dance with Justo Lamas during the concert.
  • If a student of the host school would like to sing on stage with Justo Lamas, this can be arranged. He or she should learn a song in the weeks previous to the concert. (Consult with JLG Concerts about the song for dancing and singing on stage)

During our program

  • Our program lasts two hours: one-and-a-half of concert time and 30 to 45 minutes after the show for autographs, available souvenirs, pictures, etc.
  • The students will receive a motivating message that will touch their lives positively.
  • Multimedia show with the lyrics of the songs.
  • Interaction between our artist and the public: the students actively participate with the concert at every moment.
  • During the show between each song there will be prizes, surprises, linguistic competition, voice competition, Karaoke, tounge-twisters, etc.

After the Concert

  • Concert Game: It is a team activity to be performed in the classroom with a projector, it is a fun game with questions and answers about the concert.
  • Flash Cards: A flash cards set to play the Concert Game without a projector.
  • Task Choice Sheet: Give each student a task choice sheet so they can choose what task they want to do after the concert. This is a great wat to get everyone involve in the concert preparation.
  • Concert Survey: It is a short personal survey where the students must put in practice what they learned during the concert.

  •   What are you waiting for?
    Set a date – Fill out this form without obligation and we will send you a FREE DVD so that you may see our program.